Sno.Consultancy ServicesLocationOpen DateClose DateDownload
67Request for proposal for Skills development trainingDadu03-Dec-2411-Dec-24
66Terms of Reference Consultant Hiring for Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) Campaign Dadu and Mirpurkhas District 03-Dec-2415-Dec-24
65Refresher TrainingHyderabad23-Oct-2430-Oct-24
Annex-A Technical-Proposal (Format Download)
Annex-B Financial Proposal (Format Download)
63TERMS OF REFERENCE (TOR’S) FOR Career Counselling, Life Skills and Mental Wellbeing.Hyderabad15-Dec-2222-Dec-22
61TERMS OF REFERENCE (TOR’S) FOR Capacity Development of CSOs Poverty Score Card Approaches.Hyderabad15-Dec-2222-Dec-22
60Capacity Development of CSO’s on community score card approachesHyderabad27-Oct-2202-Nov-22
59Hiring of firm or Training service provider (tsp), for the apprenticeship of (semi-literate and illiterate youth) through hands on skills trainings in Workshops or small and medium industries and their certificationHyderabad27-Oct-2202-Nov-22
58Hiring of Training Service Provider (TSP), For Imparting Vocational Skills Trainings to Selected YouthHyderabad27-Oct-2202-Nov-22
57Training of Trainers – Economic Sector Community Resources Persons (CRPs) Enterprise Development, Asset/Basic Business Management, Functional and Financial Literacy Under NPGP ProjectTharparkar and Umerkot10-Sep-2223-Sep-22
56Hiring of Private E Tech institutes Consultants for Rural Youth around E Commerce Digital skills training courseTharparkar and Umerkot10-Sep-2223-Sep-22
55Hiring of resource person to conduct “training of district line department staffs (agriculture and livestock) on climate-smart approaches, practices and advisory services”.Umerkot29-Jul-2211-Aug-22
54Hiring of resource person to conduct “training of district line department staffs (agriculture and livestock) on climate-smart approaches, practices and advisory services”.Umerkot29-Jul-2211-Aug-22
53Terms of Reference (TORs) for Trainer Training on Operation & Maintenance under BRDCCDadu22-Jun-2229-Jun-22
52Hiring of Consultant/firm/institute for Training of Teachers (formal and Non formal school) on content and pedagogy (2 Days) under UNESCO “Girls’ Lower Secondary Education Programme (GLSEP) in Tharparkar, Sindh, Pakistan”Tharparkar16-May-2223-May-22
51Terms of References (ToRs) for Hiring the consultant/ firm/institute to conduct refresher for the project staff on “Climate Change Adaptation and Climate-Smart Agriculture (CSA)”Umerkot13-May-2231-May-22
50Hiring of resource person to conduct “training of district line department staffs (agriculture, livestock , Forestry, Bureau of Statistics and AZRC ) on climate-smart approaches, practices and advisory services”Umerkot13-May-2230-May-22
49Hiring of a firm for Mapping of the UCs to identify and data collection, Data Analysis and Final Report about primary producers and MSMEs in GRASP Projected AreaTharparkar, Mirpurkhas, Tando Allahyar, Matiari29-Apr-2212-May-22
48Terms of References (ToRs) for Recruitment of consultant to “Development and transfer of social guidelines at district level for the adaptation of arid areas to climate change”.Umerkot24-Mar-2201-Apr-22
47TOR for IT AssessmentJamshoro14-Mar-2221-Mar-22
46ToRs for Video DocumentariesDadu, Jamshoro03-Mar-2209-Mar-22
45Terms of Reference (ToR) Impact assessment of socio-economic empowerment Safety net grants implemented through EU-SUCCESS Programme. Dadu, Jamshoro15-Feb-2210-Mar-22
44Terms of Reference Training of LSO Members on Financial Management and Record keeping training for LSO Members.Dadu, Jamshoro15-Feb-2203-Mar-22
43Terms of References (ToRs) for Recruitment of consultant to “Development and transfer of social guidelines at district level for the adaptation of arid areas to climate change”Umerkot27-Jan-2203-Feb-22
42Hiring of Training Consultant Firm for Training of Trainers on ‘’Sensitization on COVID‐19 SOPs, RCCE, SBCC & rumor management, build capacity of Local Authorities on accountability/GRM and COVID‐19 response strategies and sensitization on mental health and psycho social support’’District Hyderabad07-Jan-2231-Jan-22
41TERMS OF REFERENCE (TOR’S) FOR ‘’Capacity Development of CSOs on functional and technical Capacity Needs and Development Plans’’District Hyderabad01-Jan-2217-Jan-22
40Mid-term Evaluation of Climate Smart Agriculture ProjectDistrict Umerkot22-Dec-2106-Jan-22
39Required Services of Consultant /firm for Gender/Institutional Development CRPs TOTTharparkar, Umerkot03-Sep-2110-Sep-21
38Terms of References (ToRs) Market Linkages & Value Chain SpecialistJamshoro and Dadu14-Aug-2130-Aug-21
37Hiring of Training Institutions/Firms/Consultant for Training of Trainers on Gender/Institutional Development in TRDP-NPGPTharparkar, Umerkot12-Jul-2127-Jul-21
36Terms of References (ToRs) for Recruitment of consultant/consulting firm to conduct training of the “Preparation of preserved organic food and sale to organic markets”Umerkot07-Jun-2130-Jun-21
35Hiring of an Individual Consultant for Developing Union Council Development Plans (UCDPs) of 38 Local Support Organizations in District TharparkarTharparkar30-Apr-2117-May-21
34Terms of Reference Hiring of Individual Consultants for Training of Trainers - Social Sector CRPs - around Climate Change Adaptation/Resilience, CBDRM, and SBDRM under NPGPTharparkar, Umerkot09-Mar-2115-Mar-21
33Terms of Reference (TORs) for hiring the individual consultant for TOT on Operation & Maintenance under BRDCC projectDadu01-Jan-2108-Jan-21
32Terms of Reference Hiring of Individual Consultants for Training of Trainers - Social Sector CRPs - around Climate Change Adaptation/Resilience, CBDRM, and SBDRM under NPGPTharparkar, Umerkot01-Oct-2015-Oct-20
31Terms of Reference Hiring of Individual Consultant for Training of Trainers of Economic Sector CRPs - Enterprise Development, Asset/Basic Business Management, Functional and Financial Literacy under NPGPTharparkar, Umerkot01-Oct-2015-Oct-20
30Terms of Reference Hiring of Individual Consultants for Training of Trainers - Social Sector CRPs – Health & Nutrition under NPGPTharparkar, Umerkot01-Oct-2015-Oct-20
29Terms of References (ToRs) for Recruitment of consultant/consulting firm to conduct Training of Trainers (ToT) for the project staff on 'Awareness raising of small holder farmers of Desert area of Umerkot on Climate Smart Agriculture practicesUmerkotJuly 16, 2020July 24, 2020
28Recruitment of consultant/consulting firm to conduct 'Training of Government line department staff in Umerkot on the concept of Climate change adaptation and Climate Smart Agriculture practices'UmerkotMarch 13, 2020March 20, 2020
27Recruitment of consultant/consulting firm to conduct Training of Trainers (ToT) for the project staff on 'Awareness raising of small holder farmers of Desert area of Umerkot on Climate Smart Agriculture practices'-March 13, 2020March 20, 2020
26Hiring of Consultant in SLMP IIUmerkotMarch 2, 2020March 9, 2020
25Recruitment of consultant/consulting firm to conduct training of the project staff on 'Climate Smart Agriculture practices for desert area of Umerkot'UmerkotDecember 11, 2019December 19, 2019
24Hiring the consultant/consulting firm to conduct study on 'exploring Climate Smart practices for agriculture and livestock in the arid zone of District Umerkot, Sindh Pakistan'.UmerkotDecember 2, 2019December 9, 2019
23Request for proposal for IT audit and Assessment-September 23, 2019October 7, 2019
22Request for proposal for Assessment of Internal Audit-September 23, 2019October 7, 2019
21Re-Advertisement for hiring consultant for New MFP Structure, update SOPs and appropriate frame work regarding the relationship of new company with the parent organization (TRDP) in futureTharparkarMay 18, 2016May 23, 2016
20Advertisement for Consultant services for Microfinance Programme (Annual reports, case studies booklet, microfinance update etc)TharparkarMay 18, 2016May 23, 2016
19Advertisement for Consultant services for Microfinance Programme (Publications of Annual reports and Photography for reports etc)TharparkarMay 18, 2016May 23, 2016
18Consultant/Firm Required for TRDP Organizational Review-April 29, 2016May 7, 2016
17Advertisement for hiring consultant for New MFP Structure, update SOPs and appropriate frame work regarding the relationship of new company with the parent organization (TRDP) in futureTharparkarFebruary 26, 2016March 5, 2016
16Advertisement for hiring Consultant for I. T Software and NetworkTharparkarFebruary 26, 2016March 5, 2016
15TRDP requires proposal for KAP end line surveyTharparkarJanuary 21, 2016January 25, 2016
14Consultant/Firm Required for TRDP Organizational Review-December 23, 2015December 30, 2015
13School Management Guidelines and Development (Consultant)TharparkarDecember 4, 2015December 11, 2015
12Advertisement for Consultancy services for making Video DocumentaryTharparkar ,Especially taluka NangarparkarNovember 10, 2015November 20, 2015
11Teachers Training (Consultant)TharparkarAugust 24, 2015August 28, 2015
10Entrepreneurs Capacity Development (Consultant)TharparkarAugust 24, 2015August 28, 2015
9(Revised) TRDP announces consultancy services for document the Case Studies of TRDPs investment in Water, Livelihood sectors and impressions of beneficiary communities' under LEED-SCAD Project Taluka Diplo, District TharparkarTharparkarAugust 23, 2015August 25, 2015
8TRDP announces consultancy services for Production of Documentary Film under PPAFs Project 'Livelihood Employment and Enterprise Development 'LEED-SCAD Project Taluka Diplo, District TharparkarTharparkarAugust 6, 2015August 17, 2015
7TRDP announces consultancy services for document the Case Studies of TRDPs investment in Water, Livelihood sectors and impressions of beneficiary communities' under LEED-SCAD Project Taluka Diplo, District TharparkarTharparkarAugust 6, 2015August 17, 2015
6Individual consultants and Institutions required for Community Resource Persons Training in TharparkarTharparkarAugust 4, 2015August 9, 2015
5Consultancy Services for writing Analysis report of KAP base line surveyMithiJuly 29, 2015August 3, 2015
4Invitation of Quotations, for portal web site under Digital Hubs and Library ProjectMithiJuly 29, 2015August 3, 2015
3Request for EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (EOI) for CONSULTANCY SERVICESDaduJune 22, 2015June 25, 2015
2Consultancy ServicesMithiFebruary 12, 2014February 15, 2014
1Advertisement for Consultant services for Microfinance ProgrammeMultiple CitiesNovember 24, 2013December 16, 2013